Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hospital Placement

Confirmed that I'll be placed in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kota Kinabalu for 3 months (Dec-Feb).
Majority of the lecturers claimed that because we're from Sabah, so it's more convenient if we're back. However, the fact is NOT AT ALL. We tried die hard to tell them our conditions, about our air tickets which were booked long time ago etc, they just listen and forget. Yeah that's how considerate is the pharmacy practice team and the pharmacy dean. They said you could appeal after the posting is released. So what? We appeal, and what can they do? Swap with others who's in Klang valley? those people will hate us till dead! Only we east malaysians can understand ourselves. I just hope daddy's pocket can still be managed to support all of these. Everything starts from zero again. Just like when I first came to KL, no accomodation, no transport, no internet connection, etc. We really hope things go well. All that we can do now is accept, and I believe we can be a better and more flexible person after getting through all these. It's a real hard time, hope that we can sail through it *finger crossed*.

* When fate hands you a LEMON, make LEMONADE!*

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