Monday, September 28, 2009


Nowadays, my little brainy is just not functioning that I could hardly come out with words for my blog. No inspiration, no photos, no special event, routine life have made my blog colourless. Despite that, I still want to jot down something here because life is so lifeless that this is the only place I can express. Since I'm not out of the house, I'm not meeting my friend, I hardly can talk alone at home. So, some important things I did today:

  1. Surfed online boutique and spotted 2 pieces of pretty clothes. Been hesitating for a while, however I bought them lastly. Wasted RM 118. (oh my poor wallet! You'll need to starve again)
  2. Saw a sling bag selling online more expensive than the one i saw in complex that day, so was thinking about to get it tomorrow. Estimated another RM 50 gone.
  3. Couldn't stand the scar caused by allergy which i scratched so hard, decided to pay a visit to doctor tomorrow. Estimated another RM 15 gone.
  4. Jun Yan had told me about the trip to Kuantan for the pharmacy quiz. Too bad we're only having a budget/ 2 stars hotel and need to travel for 4 hours. Thinking to skip it, too bad that I couldn't :(
  5. At last I planned to meet up with my best buddy who back from US. It's deal ;) and we will be meeting up on thursday. Looking forward to it!
  6. My stupid brother's handphone sucks. Couldn't get him through phone for almost an hour which made me worry like the world's gonna end. I swear I'll kill him if he never reply me before night. Luckily he did.
  7. Realized that I have not been exercising for a week. Grabbed my swim wear, went to the pool and had a 40 mins non-stop swim for don't know how many laps. Refreshing!
  8. Felt guilty not starting on thesis. Still lagging now.
  9. Thinking how to lose weight and save money all the time.
  10. Got to know 2 seniors are officially married. Wondering why they wanted to get marry that soon, at the age of 24 only.
  11. Just knew that bank basic salary in Tawau starts from 2400+. What the heck I'm doing pharmacy with basic salary starting at 3100+ which just few hundred difference?
Okay, 11 happenings today which I considered not bad. Till then....

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