Saturday, August 23, 2008

Coming soon

The day I have been waiting for is coming soon.
Next Friday will be the day.
After 1 and a half month of separation, i guess this meet-up will be a fresh one.
Looking forward to it.
And please my body, don't get sick. I wanna fully utilize the time to be together!
Shew shew.. sick go away!

  1. Go for Wall-E movie.
  2. Go for nice meals.
  3. Go for desserts.
  4. Go for shopping.
  5. Go for karaoke.
  6. Go for starbucks.
  7. Go for more picture capturing.
  8. Go for groceries.
  9. Spend quality time together!
Ahh, is it too much for just 1 and a half day? yeah i guess so....

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