Friday, July 11, 2008


I'm having unexplained headache lately. It will just come and off.
Though I didn't worry so much, I still made my own diagnosis.
The following are a few of possibilities:

  1. I do not have enough sleep.
  2. I'm too stress.
  3. My short-sighted is getting worse.
  4. I do not wear spec when I'm working with my notebook.
  5. I think too much.
  6. I miss someone.
  7. I've bad quality of sleep.
  8. I miss home.
  9. I'm lack of nutrients.
  10. I'm getting OLD!
Conclusion, I have all of the above risk factors that brought me to this condition.

P.S I guess I do too many PBLs in university, which makes me having such logical thinking and linkage between all the things! PBLs rocks!
(PBL- Problem-based learnings)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may be you are too tired!!have a rest you will be okay!