Saturday, July 12, 2008

The most Crazy Act

2.00a.m. (look at the crowd behind us!)

7.00a.m. All faces are pale like zombie.

I would say this is the most crazy thing that I'd done in 2008.
Our batch is fighting for only 4 selective courses this semester.
The problem is, there are 2 very famous subjects among the choices.
So, we thought we could fight for a place in those favourite subjects since there are maximum of 30 places for each subjects.
We had queued up since 2 a.m. because number will be given at 7.30 a.m.
When we're so happy that we could get a place among the choices,
suddenly lecturer announced that: " There is no place anymore in vet pharmacy & radiopharm!"
Gosh! It's just happened when that's my turn!
And after all the long waiting, me and my gang just managed to choose a new selective courses
which sounded tough to score! What a shock! We'd wasted all night long and ended up with '0' (nothing!).
So we all agreed that this was the most stupid and crazy thing that we've ever done!

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