Saturday, May 24, 2008


Yeah, I'm in my 2nd week of holidays now. So what I've done all these time?
  1. Hunting food everyday.
  2. Watching tv- astro.
  3. Sleeping for 7 hours at least.
  4. Baked a cake during dear's birthday.
  5. Chit chat with parents at night.
  6. Singing Karaoke at home.
  7. Exercise once.
  8. Cleaning up my bedroom.
  9. Quarrel with my dear.
  10. Visit aunt and spend good time together.
  11. Played badminton with few ex-classmates.
  12. Yam-cha.
  13. Diarrhea and gastric (Probably eat too many)
  14. Did blood checkup.

And what's up next that I'm looking forward to?

  1. My blood test report- Hopefully my health is considerably good.
  2. Waiting for my result- Hopefully I do not need to resit.
  3. Meet up my best friend- Hopefully can get some updated news from her.
  4. Cut down on weight- which I think is impossible, because nothing to do here other than eat!
  5. Increase the frequency of exercizing.
  6. Spend more time with family.
  7. Be more healthy!
  8. Regain all the energies I used up during semester 4.
  9. Be younger!
  10. Save more pocket money so that I can shop when i get back in KL.
  11. Prayer for victims in Sichuan.
  12. ......................... etc ( too many to list down)

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